The various books that craig “felt inspired to write”
The various books that craig “felt inspired to write” are available at
“Worst-selling writer”
All proceeds go to needy and underprivileged children –
How to publish your book (ebook and/or paperback with Amazon)
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“Write, create, innovate”
Write and Publish
Craig’s Books
How to turn your blog into a book. “Easy peasy”
The Place of E-books and the Future of Electronic Publishing
Article Title: The Place of E-books and the Future of Electronic Publishing
Author Name: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Book publishing, self-publishing, electronic publishing/books, e-books, digital books, digital publishing
Web Sites:–book-ebook/dp/B006KRSNM4
The submitter’s blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at
Other Articles by the submitter are available at: (Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, ‘spiritual writings’ (how ‘airey-fairey’), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig!)
Publishing Guidelines:
This piece (as with all my writings) may be freely reproduced electronically or in print. If it helps and/or encourages others “out there” along the ‘amazing journey of life’, then we’re very happy.
This article was originally written in about the year 2000 , so may introduce you to the subject of my little book, as well as telling you a bit about our journey in self-publishing…
“We share what we know, so that we all may grow.”
“The next information revolution is well under way…It is not a revolution in technology, machinery, techniques, software, or speed. It is a revolution in CONCEPTS.”
(Drucker, 1998)
“Money is what fuelled the industrial society. But in the informational society, the fuel, the power, is knowledge. One has now come to see a new class structure divided by
those who have information and those who must function out of ignorance. This new class has its power not from money, not from land, but from knowledge.”
– John Kenneth Galbraith
“The future belongs to those who apply knowledge with innovation and resourcefulness to find new paths – in business and in life.”
– Bill Rosoman and Craig Lock
Just sharing a few thoughts on our view of the place and future of E-books in the world of publishing (the “real world, as well as the vast unchartered realm
of cyberspace”) …
We at Eagle Productions (New Zealand) believe that e-book publishing is the way of the future (as shown by Steven King’s pioneering with “Riding the Bullet”). Though personally, I believe there will always be a place for traditional publishing with paper books. People will always love holding a real book out in the sun for their holiday
reading. I just believe electronic-publishing is way cheaper and far more immediate compared to “hard copy” publishing. Our electronic books are about a third the cost of our hard copies. People can print out the books, should they wish…or simply read on their computer screens… and so make the “greenies” happy.
Thus electronic publishing has many benefits for the reading consumer in terms of both cost and accessibility (immediate publishing), as well as for talented new authors, who may find great difficulty in getting their work accepted by traditional publishing houses – especially the well-known ones who rarely take on new authors in the current harsh publishing environment.
In addition, things are moving so fast with reading aids in electronic publishing. New technology is constantly developing the hand-held reader, so soon you may be able to download novels at the beach.
May the two forms of publishing work in tandem in the future, to the benefit of the consumer – in terms of ease , accessibility and especially affordability. More CHOICES for the consumer is of paramount importance in today’s very competitive purchasing- entertainment marketplace!
We have an ultimate vision (or dream) of Gisborne on the East Coast of the North Island of scenic and tranquil New Zealand being a “renowned and recognised” centre of electronic, as well as conventional publishing, a world-renowned centre in providing quality courses in distance education and adult online teaching. Perhaps one day even a centre of excellence in developing technology in the South Pacific. Together with a presence and strong association in my “beloved, vibrant and diverse former
country”, South Africa (thanks so much, Stefan). In time all of my “lucky” 17 books will be available both electronically, as well as paper copies.
(Thanks to my “technogeek” associate, Bill, for all his knowledge, help, drive, talent, imagination and vision, as I’m a bit of a “techno-dummy”!
We are currently looking at the possibility of developing audiobooks (especially as an aid to the deaf). We believe an idea, a big helping of enthusiasm, together with a great deal of time and effort in implementing it, belief, faith in yourself and persistence (not necessarily in that order) is the key to marketing success and seeing a vision turn into reality.
That is our ultimate vision and something we at Eagle Productions in association with Bill Rosoman are daily striving towards with all our energies and creative endeavours.
Craig Lock (Eagle Productions Books)
” Whatever the mind can conceive, can be achieved.”
– Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
P.S: If interested, our publishing vision may be viewed at:
“We make a living by what we get…but we make a life by what we give.”
– Norman MacEwan
“We can all use the internet to reach out to the “global community” and build a better world in this new “Information Revolution” that is upon us. Let’s use it wisely, respect our diversity and unique cultures; but celebrate a new world in union. One where, like your founding forefathers in America, you can first celebrate the Independence Day of the strong burning creative spirit that is within you. If set alight, it is a flame that will burn brightly and make your personal VISION of the future a REALITY…and perhaps even your unique DESTINY.”
“Life is about finding, then following the dream… and one’s dream/vision comes to reality through believing in yourself, making the commitment and then creating it.”
– Craig Lock
Author’s Bio:
In his life mission Craig hopes to encourage, motivate and inspire people to be their best through realising their full potentials and live their very best lives (without being too much of a too boring Mr goody-goody two shoes” (as he’s lost one!). Craig believes in the great potential of every human being in the journey of life and loves to encourage people to share their individual (and guiding) spirits, so that they become all that they are CAPABLE of being.
The various books (including numerous novels) that Craig “felt inspired to write” are available at and* Hard copies and e-books – fiction and non-fiction: novels on South Africa, self help, personal growth, inspiration, travel, humour and money books.
All proceeds go to needy and underprivileged children – MINE!
“Publishing for Dummies”: How to Write and Publish an Electronic Book (e-book) is available at–book-ebook/dp/B006KRSNM4
tomorrow in “little” scenic and tranquil New Zealand

Eagle Productions Book Publishing
Eagle Productions Book Publishing
“Creativity and passion with purpose”
“God desires us to soar like eagles, but many are content to scratch like sparrows…or turkeys!
PPS: To see a great video click on
Creating and Publishing Your Own E-Book: HOW?
Article Title: Creating and Publishing Your Own E-Book: HOW?
Author: Craig Lock
Category/Subject: Self-publishing, publishing, E-books, digital books, digital publishing, Amazon, Kindle
Web sites: and
The submitter’s blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at
(Other articles are available at: and
Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, ‘spiritual writings’ (how ‘airey-fairey’), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig)
Publishing Guidelines
We hope that the following article may be informative and helpful to your ezine readers, or on your web site. If it helps others “out there in cyberspace” , then we’re very happy.
This article (as with all my articles) may be freely published.
“We share what we know, so that we all may grow.”
Here’s how…
Though nobody really knows where the digital publishing model is headed, Amazon already claim that they are selling more ebooks than traditional books. My good friend and associate Bill and I believe e-books are the way of the future and this will keep the “greenies” happy not having to cut down trees (see my article ‘The Future of Electronic Publishing originally written about twelve years ago).
Here are some hints based upon my experiences as a “non-techno” in getting my books published with Amazon (to the great consternation and surprise of my “techno-geek” associate and good friend, Bill).
Firstly a bit of background. Initially I was approached by Europe’s largest digital publisher (XiiXin) to publish my books with them. I found the process so simple, I thought, why not give the far more well-known Amazon Kindle a try.
But HOW?
From my experience, the Kindle publishing process is simple and way less-time consuming than you might expect. The process is quite enjoyable and satisfying too …even though I’m no “computer nerd”. And I hope that opening statement encourages you to give it a try.
As a first step, you create a your book in Microsoft Word doc. file. (Standard font size, like New Times Roman, but Amazon use a default font anyway). (I tried the Mobipocket Creator, free, getting my ebook ready for upload; but soon gave up (as I have great difficulty following instructions – story of my life) and simply uploaded “as is”. So upload your book file at and set your price (you get 70% of the sale proceeds). The entire process won’t take long, even for a “non-techno”, like me. If you’ve already published a print book, or use a PC and the internet regularly, you’ll find the process “easy peasy”.
Amazon will convert your Word doc automatically to a digital book format, that can be easily read on the Kindle e-book reader.
You can make amendments to your book at any time and republish it. I’m continually updating my books and it’s really simple. In the meantime, the previous version will remain available for sale on the Kindle store.
The Kindle help files are brief and written in straight-forward English. Just follow the instructions on the web site. Simple!
You then upload a cover picture (it has to be at least 500 pixels quality on the longest side).
Give it an appealing (and short) title and ake a table of contents, Then write some “blurb” about your book.
‘What’s it all about?” – so that readers on the web site are enticed to want to read more of your “work of art, your unique creation”.
There’s a Previewer to see what the text will look like being read on a Kindle, once you’ve uploaded it (“nice and easy”).
However, if you strike problems (as we inevitably do at times), just persevere and you’ll find a way. “Presto!”
Then SAVE and PUBLISH. Voila!
If you are an unknown author, you’ll have to market your book online (and perhaps off-line too). And that’s the hardest part, being found in the “vast realm of cyberspace” (see my e-book on internet marketing for more “info”). I might suggest that your ebook can be freely promoted using Facebook, Twitter and your own web site, but there are many other “freebie” avenues. My preference is writing articles in your chosen area of expertise and publishing them online. Most effective!
I’ve been uploading my books (all 54 of them!) to Amazon over the past month and made quite a few sales already… so that’s greatly encouraging. Though I haven’t given up my day job yet. Ha ha! But am dreaming on…
Good luck * to you in publishing and promoting your digital book(s)
You CAN do it
Craig Lock (Eagle Productions)
‘Carpe diem’ = “seize the moment” in this new area of digital publishing and the “digital economy”
* and didn’t someone once define luck as “where preparedness meets opportunity”
About the submitter::
Craig has been writing for the past fifteen years. He believes in (and loves) helping others to find their passions and gifts… through encouraging people to reach out for, then accomplish their “wildest” dreams. He truly believes people can overcome obstacles, rise to any occasion, and accomplish their dreams in life with enough FAITH and PERSISTENCE.
The various books that Craig “felt inspired to write” are available at: and
All proceeds go to needy and underprivileged children – MINE
What’s the definition of an aspiring author?
A waiter!
* What’s the difference between a writer and a family pizza? The family pizza can feed a rather hungry family of three … or ONE starving writer writing away in his garret munching on a carrot!
The submitter’s blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at
PS: If you want any help, or advice on the publishing process, please feel free to contact me.
Once you have published with Amazon Kindle, you may want to try publishing a traditional paper book (soft copy) with another Amazon associate company CreateSpace… but this “techno-bunny” is not ready for that…YET!
This article may be freely published